Tuesday, January 12, 2010

goodbye, office

Today was our office's goodbye party for us. It was something--quite literally the whole place showed up! Which was about 40 people that day, maybe. My favorite strawberry shortcake was there, along with mini falafel and hummus, stuffed mushrooms, and mini potato latkes with apple sauce. There's a lot of things I take for granted about my job now that I am definitely going to miss, and one of them is the liberal "multicultural" attitude everyone has. I'm guessing most offices wouldn't pick that diverse a spread of food for everyone to eat. And it's not like everyone in there knows what falafel is or have eaten it before...but everyone is at least definitely open to trying new things.

Both N and I will be working remotely from LA for a month or so after we get there, but after that we're on our own. Once we finally pack/sell/give away all the shit in our apartment and somehow haul our (and Stewie's) asses over there, that will be the next stressful drama. But one step at a time...

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